Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Isaac's First Lost Tooth...actually, the first four!

Here is poor little Isaac at the dentists office. He is preparing to have his first loose tooth pulled! The adult tooth was growing in behind the baby tooth and so the baby tooth was very painful and wasn't getting pushed out. To mom's surprise however, his first two baby teeth on the bottom were both loose and there was barely any room for one adult tooth to make its way through if the dentist pulled the two teeth that were, the dentist pulled all four of the baby teeth on the bottom to make room for the two adult teeth that were ready to take up their residence. Isaac got to watch Finding Nemo on the special movie glasses and got a little silly with all the nitrous that they were giving him. It was a bit rough on the poor guy but he did really well and couldn't be more anxious to place not only one tooth under his pillow but all four teeth! I tell you what....I think that Tooth Fairy took pity on the poor child because he awoke to 8 whole dollars underneath his pillow!!! Hopefully for the Tooth Fairy, he won't lose any more any time too 

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