Saturday, January 24, 2009

The joys of bathing with a cast...

So, trying to keep Bridger clean while he has been in a cast has been an adventure! We were just sponge bathing him for like a week and a half after but really that can only last so long before you just have to find a way to get a good bath we put his leg in bags and tape and saran wrap and tape some more. Then he is placed in the bathtub and the water ran until there is simply no hot water left at which point he screams because he doesn't want to get out yet. The other night we pulled him out and were cutting all of the plastic layers off with the scissors. We finished with the layers and put the scissors down. He started screaming and reached for the scissors and handed them to us and told us to cut it off and pointed to his cast! He thought we were going to take his cast off....bless his little heart...luckily he only has a few remaining days of his life in a cast. Wednesday is the big day for him and we are all ready to have a happy little Bridger back!


Lacei Child said...

darn it! That must be Miserable! Hang in there lil guy!

Amy & Travis Parker said...

Wow, well done! And poor Bridger. I can imagine if it was one of mine they'd want it off too. Heaven help Josh he never gets in that predicament. He cant keep still for 5 seconds! I know I should put up some more posts. Soon I will I promise!!

Maran said...

Poor little guy. Only a few days though. Hang in there Bridger!

Brett and AnnJillene said...

Well at least he can have a bath. Let me know how it goes Wed. We do need to get together soon, that would be fun. I love the book you made mom. How much was that and can you get more? And I would love a copy of the DVD. Sierra dancing, that was to cute. Have a great day. Love YA!!!